Upgrade cepstral voices
Upgrade cepstral voices

upgrade cepstral voices upgrade cepstral voices

Once the SDK is installed you'll need to make sure mod_cepstral is selected to be compiled (not on by default). You can, however, obtain an evaluation copy Contact Cepstral Support with subject line "Cepstral Windows SDK". In order to compile mod_cepstral.c under Visual Studio C++ you must ensure the Cepstral SDK is installed on your build machine. The '15' in the above example means 15% of default volume.įor other SSML tricks check out the examples on Cepstral's support site. You should now be able to use something similar to the following in your dialplan You must define an environment variable SWIFT_HOME in the shell where you run fs, otherwise you won't hear any audio.

Upgrade cepstral voices install#

If you don't use the default install dir (/opt/swift) you will need to modify `src/mod/asr_tts/mod_cepstral/Makefile` You can also use a Cepstral voice with a language other than English without editing any files. Enable mod_cepstral in the file by uncommenting.Edit nf and uncomment the line: asr_tts/mod_cepstral.Define SWIFT_HOME to point to install root (e.g.Add /opt/swift/lib (if you chose the default install) to end of file /etc/ prompts (recommended add: export SWIFT_HOME=/opt/swift to your FS user profile).tar xvzf Cepstral_Allison-8kHz_i386-linux_6.0.1.tar.gz.Each voice comes with the library, so the SDK is not needed. Buy or download a free trial voice from Cepstral.Please help us keep this page current if you know of changes by commenting below or editing this page (ask for edit permission if needed). These instructions were developed under the old versions and possibly require updating for use with modern versions of Cepstral. Previously, the suggested version to use was 4.x since there were known issues with 5.1 (which is closed source). As of 2016.05.17 Cepstral version 6 is reported to work with FreeSWITCH.

Upgrade cepstral voices